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  • info@eoxtech.com
  • +91 93601 33694

Grow Your Self

Set a goal so BIG that you can't achieve it until you grow into the person who can. Out of difficulties grow miracles.

Planning Your Dream

Goal setting provides focus, shapes our dreams and gives us the ability to hone in on the exact actions we need to take in order to get everything in life we desire.

We Make Your Dream True

As the Student’s career is of utmost importance, we make them to focus on their potentials to explore the possibilities of getting them into the right industry.

Know About EOX Tech

EOX Tech is an emerging concern which has been working for a long time in the study and research of various aspects of social and natural outlooks and a deep sense of study and research is what EOX is all about. Eox Tech comprises of a strong team of professionals having several years of experience in architecting, developing and providing high value software solutions and consultancy to clients worldwide. Since its Inception, EOX Tech Pvt Ltd comprises of a strong team of professionals having several years of experience in software architecture, development and solution design.

The knowledge of seeking and passion for representing their work comes only from their depth of heart which turns into the path of leading capacity inculcating this knowledge of in turn revelation is a base success of EOX.

EOX is foundation which is lead by group of intellectuals who have seen a variety of people and place and based on their deep sense of analysation this institution took its birth of representing the community of passionate people.

Industry Expectations from an Engineer!!!

The fluid industry trends in today’s world force engineers to be life-long learners! Learnability is the ability to generalize a specific knowledge and apply in various contexts. Industries expect engineers to have the zest and zeal along with the ability to learn new tools and techniques.
Individualism is out and collaboration is in. Considering the options we have in today’s global village, it is impossible for one to master all the skills that are needed for an industry. One should have the ability to identify one’s core skills, team up with members with complementary skills, collaborate and contribute.
An organization expects all the employees to communicate effectively. Engineers should have good verbal and written communication skills. This is a skill that is absolutely necessary when working in teams where inappropriate communication could be disastrous. Most of the industries in India have adopted English as the language of communication considering the diverse nature of their clients and workforce.
The importance of positive attitude for a successful career cannot be overemphasized. When something goes wrong, one can either blame one’s circumstances or look at ways of making the situation better. Industry wants the latter category who considers such a situation as an opportunity to learn.
Many organizations, especially those in the software industry, give a lot of flexibility to the employees. At the same time those industries expect the employees also to be flexible in terms of working location, nature of projects or in some cases, working hours.
An engineer should have the ability to adapt to any situation. 100% of the tEOXs assigned to an engineer may not be in alignment with his or her interest. If 70% of the tEOXs are interesting, an engineer should be able to adapt to the rest 30%. If one could not find interest even in 70% of the tEOXs allocated, chances are that one has chosen a wrong career!
Even though a fresh engineer is at the beginning of the career, the industry expects the engineer to be clear about his or her short-term and long-term career plans. One can make a remarkable difference by chalking out one’s career plans. Having a clear idea of what one wants keeps one motivated.
An engineer should own a tEOX that is assigned to him or her. An engineer should leave his or her mark in every product delivered by him or her. The sense of ownership results in completion of tEOXs with maximum quality.

We have 10+ Years

Of Experiences







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We have technical training conducted at the departmental level through technical tests, technical guest lectures by Subject Experts from the Industry.


EOX Tech is a concern of great passionate people were they work for the benefit of both the student and industries there march towards the creation of passionate community is really a noble idea.

Mr.K.D.Senthil murugan

Chief Engineer for Kumaresh Industrial Electronic.

Placement is great deal for the students in today’s world this is due to the lack of knowledge in interview Skills this knowledge lacking has been clearly focused by the EOX intelleks and they work on it with a great dedication .


PROFESSOR, Anna University Regional Campus Coimbatore

The engineer enters into the management function, weaving people, money, materials, machines, and energy sources into completed processes for the use of society and this logical idea is clearly practiced and structured by people of EOX intellekts.

Mr.Dr.S.Chandrakumarmangalam, M.B.A., Ph.D.,

Head & Associate Professor, Anna University, Regional Campus.